Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bardy Stuff

I probably won't be updating this every day since I am pretty busy with school, but I'll try and keep up with it and at the very least update once a week. The party from last night went pretty well and I managed to get Bard to Lv 50. Here are a couple pictures from it:

Had two Rangers in this party so it was a bit busier than usual, but it was fun. Bard can be kind of slow when you only have to sing 3-4 songs, Elegy, and surf the web the rest of the fight only paying a little attention in case you have to dispel a buff. Pulling always makes things a bit more fun but recently I haven't been getting invites unless my subjob is whm. I can still pull, but it is a lot safer with nin subjob :\.

Since I got 50 bard I started doing my AF quests. Bard has a couple of good pieces so I would like to get these out of the way before I start leveling again. Here's a couple pictures of the weapon NM

Also got my AF feet but didn't take any pictures. The NMs I had to fight to get them were friggin tough. I only had to beat one out of the three, but they were undead so I couldn't sleep in order to get back mp. In the end I had to call upon the aid of Kooja, it was really easy with him there. I'm going to try and get my other pieces tomorrow, might be pressed for time with sky in the evening though, we'll see.

As a side not, my npc got her first level today! I have been having fun leveling her, but right now I can only do it once every 20 hours ; ; She's kinda dumb and vokes stuff because the default npc behavior is shield and I can't change it yet, but I'll be able to soon. Can't wait to get my tactics pearl so I can call her more often. Would be nice if she got new gear too.

Did a salvage run tonight, we ended up doing arrapago remnants. It was pretty fun but I kept dying because that stupid QQ kept laying mines and/or beating the crap out of me whenever i got up. Hellkyte got his 35 ares body piece which makes us 1/1 >.> he has all 3 pieces now but chances are he won't have the armor for quite a while, SINCE IT COSTS 10 MIL! God damn. If I had that much money to spend then i wouldn't be buying one piece of gear. Random pictures from this salvage :

These pictures show what I do mostly in salvage; standing around and being dead.

Still its pretty fun and it doesn't take too long at 100 minutes per run. Still, I wish I didn't have to rely on magic to be useful.

I think that covers about everything I've done. I forgot to take pictures of a couple assaults I did with Nobu, Gilko, and Hellkyte, but those are kind of boring anyway. Until next time!

Friday, August 22, 2008


This is my blog about stuff I have done or am doing in Final Fantasy XI. I also may include stuff going on in real life, just depends on how bored I am. I got this idea from my friend Hitome, he had a blog while he played and it was really interesting to me when I went back and read it all. Probably not that cool for people who haven't played ffxi though. Anyway, I thought I would go ahead and try to record the crap I do in-game, so that I can either go back and wonder how I could have been so obsessed with a video game, or so that I can have something to do when i'm really bored. Anyway, a little about myself.

Real Name : Jameson

Character : Bahumut
Server : Bismarck

Linkshell : Versatility

I have been playing FFXI since the ps2 release, which was early in the year of 2004. Unfortunately I haven't taken pictures a whole lot so a there is a bunch of stuff that I have done that will never be remembered ; ; BUT! I can still record what I'm doing now because I may be playing for 4 more years, who knows.

Anyway, at the moment I am leveling Bard. Well, sorta anyway. We have a good party built, but our tank seems to have fallen asleep. Some people just don't know when to call it quits.

Balan is our tank :x.

I hope this gets off the ground, it's an all JP party, which usually tends to be fun. I'm actually a decent bard so they shouldn't have much to complain about, and even if they could I would never know!